This clandestine documentary, shot partially on an iPhone and smuggled into France in a cake for a last-minute submission to Cannes, depicts the day-to-day life of acclaimed director Jafar Panahi (Offside, The Circle) during his house arrest in his Tehran apartment. While appealing his sentence - six years in prison and a 20 year ban from filmmaking - Panahi is seen talking to his family and lawyer on the phone, discussing his plight with Mirtahmasb and reflecting on the meaning of the art of filmmaking. -- (C) Palisades Tartan
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Release Date : Feb 29, 2012 Limited
Mpaa Rating : Unrated Genre Movie :Documentary,Art House & International,Special Interest![Watch](http://freeplaymovies.com/watchnow/watch10.jpg)
Actors For This Is Not a Film
Jafar Panahi,Mojtaba Mirtahmasb
NewVisitor Ranting & Critics For This Is Not a Film
User Ranting Movie This Is Not a Film : 3.6
User Percentage For This Is Not a Film : 70 %
User Count Like for This Is Not a Film : 7,426
All Critics Ranting For This Is Not a Film : 8.9
All Critics Count For This Is Not a Film : 83
All Critics Percentage For This Is Not a Film : 99 %
Trailer For This Is Not a Film
Review For Movie This Is Not a Film
Not a conventional film, certainly, but a powerful and important statement.
Tom Charity-CNN.com There is courage and cheekiness here. What there is not is a story, or much insight or even anger; anyone expecting an indictment of Iran will be sorely disappointed.
Kyle Smith-New York Post Truly and defiantly extraordinary in its own quiet way.
Michael Phillips-Chicago Tribune This may not be a film, but it's a moving statement of defiance and despair.
J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader It's a cry from the heart of an artist compelled to create, tell stories and respond to hostile, confounding realities.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post In short, "This Is Not a Film" is the world within an apartment, and it is quietly devastating.
Ty Burr-Boston Globe This Is Not a Film brilliantly marries high-modernist artistry with urgent political provocation. A masterpiece.
John Semley-Slant Magazine There's a tremendous power under the simple-looking surface.
Sean Axmaker-Parallax View No matter the constrictions on its existence, This is Not a Film is, in fact, a great one.
Eric Kohn-indieWIRE One mourns the tragic circumstances that caused it to be made, but the result is a sleight of hand to rank alongside Orson Welles's F for Fake.
Ben Kenigsberg-Time Out Chicago See it any way you possibly can. It will change your life forever.
Amy R. Handler-Film Threat This Is Not a Film is a practical joke as much as it is a movie, and while it possesses a deadly serious undercurrent, what's most surprising is how witty the finished product is.
Mark Deming-TV Guide's Movie Guide The complex, brilliant, heartbreaking diary of Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi under house arrest in Tehran, and prohibited from making movies.
Jennifer Merin-About.com I find myself returning again and again to Jafar Panahi's apartment in Tehran, the defining location for the year in cinema, one of the defining locations in all of cinema.
Christopher Long-Movie Metropolis "This Is Not a Film", but it manages to be a bloody great one, anyway.
Tim Brayton-Antagony & Ecstasy The truth of what is and isn't lies deep between the lines of this brilliantly elusive meta-commentary, arguably the greatest Iranian film since Abbas Kiarostami's masterpiece Close-Up.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth Predictably, not much happens in "This Is Not a Film"; dude is under house arrest, after all. But it's absorbing and clever.
Shawn Levy-Oregonian What constitutes imprisonment and what constitutes a film?
James Verniere-Boston Herald [A] courageous act of artistic provocation...
Gerald Peary-Boston Phoenix Panahi creates a very personal film that reveals the inner man. His pet iguana, Igi, is pretty cool, too.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews New Movie Images This Is Not a Film
Movie Overview For This Is Not a Film
Tessa, a girl who is dying of leukaemia and tries to enjoy her remaining life as much as she possibly can. She compiles a list of things she'd like to do before passing away. Topping the list is her desire to lose her virginity.
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