A love story like no other, Planet of Snail is a mesmerizing documentary about an accomplished young poet who can no longer hear or see and his relationship to the world around him. Young-Chan is deaf and blind. He learned to speak when he was very young, but soon after lost his sight and hearing. He lives with his wife, Soon-Ho, who is his soul mate, an inseparable part of his life, and a window to the outside world. Young-Chan and Soon-Ho communicate through finger braille, a unique form of touch-based sign language in which words are tapped out on each other's hands. They rely on one another completely. However, Young-Chan must be able to survive on his own. One day, as Soon-Ho waits anxiously at home, Young-Chan embarks on the biggest adventure of his life. -- (C) Cinema Guild
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Release Date : Jul 25, 2012 Limited
Mpaa Rating : Unrated Genre Movie :Documentary,Drama,Special Interest![Watch](http://freeplaymovies.com/watchnow/watch10.jpg)
Actors For Planet of Snail
Young-Chan,Soon-Ho,Cho Youngchan
NewVisitor Ranting & Critics For Planet of Snail
User Ranting Movie Planet of Snail : 3.9
User Percentage For Planet of Snail : 75 %
User Count Like for Planet of Snail : 958
All Critics Ranting For Planet of Snail : 7.8
All Critics Count For Planet of Snail : 23
All Critics Percentage For Planet of Snail : 100 %
Trailer For Planet of Snail
Review For Movie Planet of Snail
"Planet of Snail" is simple, direct and magical.
Kenneth Turan-Los Angeles Times Gentle, simply told love stories are as rare in documentaries these days as they are in narrative film. That alone makes Yi Seung-jun's "Planet of Snail" a standout.
Farran Smith Nehme-New York Post "Planet of Snail" offers a precious moment of clarity and simplicity amid a chaotic and poisonous summer, and tells an unforgettable love story to boot.
Andrew O'Hehir-Salon.com Above all, this beautifully photographed documentary is a poetic meditation on refined sensory perception.
Stephen Holden-New York Times A portrait of practical symbiosis in both domestic and emotional terms.
Stephanie Zacharek-NPR An unadorned, unsentimental portrait of a marriage, Yi Seung-jun's documentary Planet of Snail celebrates the daily life of an exceptionally collaborative couple.
Melissa Anderson-Village Voice It's almost as if the images and sounds most of us are constantly bombarded with only serve to distract from a primal, tactile experience of the world.
Marc Mohan-Oregonian Both modest and awe-inspiring.
Betsy Sherman-Boston Phoenix A rare nonfiction romance film [about] a couple worth comparing your own marriage or partnership to, and the film is a wonderful, poetic portrait of true love.
Christopher Campbell-Movies.com With little story to speak of, Planet Of Snail is more of an experiential piece, closing in on the pleasure and wonder with which Young-chan takes in details like rain falling outside the window and the bark of a tree.
Alison Willmore-AV Club A deeply moving documentary about love, living with disabilities, savoring the senses, and being present.
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat-Spirituality and Practice Even with the heaviness of some of its subject matter, the doc remains limpid and unsentimental until the very end, in keeping with its subject.
Kenji Fujishima-Slant Magazine An exquisite documentary about an extraordinary love.
Jennifer Merin-About.com An absolute gem.
Mark Kermode-Observer [UK] Neither the subject nor director ask for sympathy; what emerges is a nuanced hymn to the human spirit that still saddens, even when it inspires.
Catherine Shoard-Guardian [UK] This is a unique love story with a universal resonance.
Robbie Collin-Daily Telegraph The senses of taste, smell and touch aggregate to create a new perceptual cosmos.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times Life-affirming and delightful.
Davina Quinlivan-Little White Lies New Movie Images Planet of Snail
Movie Overview For Planet of Snail
Young-Chan comes from planet of snail where deaf blind people live slow and quiet lives. When Young-Chan came to Earth, nobody understood his language and he was desperate. Then an angel walked into his life. Soon-Ho knows how it is to be lonely and soon becomes an inseparable part of his life. Young-Chan also discovers an amazing world under his fingers as he learned to read books with braille. Hopes began to grow and he dreams of writing a book. However, Soon-Ho cannot always be there for him because of her own problem of spine disability. The couple now should learn to survive alone. While Soon-Ho uneasily spends her first day waiting for his return, Young-Chan goes out for the biggest adventure of his life.
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